Administrative system
The Foundations of Administration System from the Perspective of Islamic Teachings [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 221-246]
Investigation of Jihadi Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran Army
(A Pathological Approach) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 121-146]
Commanding the good
The Necessity of the Organization in managing the good and forbidding the evil [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 75-99]
Criteria of Islamic Marketing
Meta-Synthesis Study of Islamic Marketing Criteria in the field of Advertising [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 33-50]
Cultural Humility
Cultural Humility as an Antecedent for Entrepreneurial Learning in the Open Strategy Paradigm [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 101-120]
The Effect of Islamic Management System on the Empowerment of Hawzah of Qom Employees
Authors [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 171-193]
Entrepreneurial Learning
Cultural Humility as an Antecedent for Entrepreneurial Learning in the Open Strategy Paradigm [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 101-120]
Ethical Leadership
Prediction of Organizational Virtue based on Moral Leadership and Spiritual Intelligence [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 195-219]
Examination of the Dual Effect of Commitment to Islamic Values and Performance Appraisal Elements on Effectiveness of Employee’s Performance Appraisal Process [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 147-170]
Financial Corruption
Compilation of the "Hexagonal Fraud" Model with the Islamic Approach: Examining the Importance and Interaction of Components [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 5-31]
Forbidding the bad
The Necessity of the Organization in managing the good and forbidding the evil [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 75-99]
Foundations of Islamic administrative system
The Foundations of Administration System from the Perspective of Islamic Teachings [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 221-246]
Compilation of the "Hexagonal Fraud" Model with the Islamic Approach: Examining the Importance and Interaction of Components [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 5-31]
General Administration of Ports and Maritime Affairs
The Study of the Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Trauma: An Islamic Approach [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 271-291]
Good governance
The Foundations of Administration System from the Perspective of Islamic Teachings [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 221-246]
Hawzah of Qom
The Effect of Islamic Management System on the Empowerment of Hawzah of Qom Employees
Authors [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 171-193]
Hexagonal Fraud
Compilation of the "Hexagonal Fraud" Model with the Islamic Approach: Examining the Importance and Interaction of Components [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 5-31]
The Necessity of the Organization in managing the good and forbidding the evil [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 75-99]
Compilation of the "Hexagonal Fraud" Model with the Islamic Approach: Examining the Importance and Interaction of Components [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 5-31]
Islamic approach
Compilation of the "Hexagonal Fraud" Model with the Islamic Approach: Examining the Importance and Interaction of Components [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 5-31]
Islamic indicators of sales advertisement
Meta-Synthesis Study of Islamic Marketing Criteria in the field of Advertising [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 33-50]
Islamic Management Style
The Effect of Islamic Management System on the Empowerment of Hawzah of Qom Employees
Authors [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 171-193]
Islamic values
Examination of the Dual Effect of Commitment to Islamic Values and Performance Appraisal Elements on Effectiveness of Employee’s Performance Appraisal Process [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 147-170]
Jihadi management
Investigation of Jihadi Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran Army
(A Pathological Approach) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 121-146]
Nahj al-Balagha
Identification and Prioritization of the Professional Ethics of Managers Based Nahj Al-Balagha (Case Study: Social Security Organization of East Azerbaijan Province) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 51-74]
Occupational Ethics
Identification and Prioritization of the Professional Ethics of Managers Based Nahj Al-Balagha (Case Study: Social Security Organization of East Azerbaijan Province) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 51-74]
Organizational management
The Necessity of the Organization in managing the good and forbidding the evil [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 75-99]
Organizational Trauma
The Study of the Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Trauma: An Islamic Approach [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 271-291]
Performance appraisal criteria
Examination of the Dual Effect of Commitment to Islamic Values and Performance Appraisal Elements on Effectiveness of Employee’s Performance Appraisal Process [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 147-170]
Performance appraisal effectiveness
Examination of the Dual Effect of Commitment to Islamic Values and Performance Appraisal Elements on Effectiveness of Employee’s Performance Appraisal Process [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 147-170]
Personal Morality
Identification and Prioritization of the Professional Ethics of Managers Based Nahj Al-Balagha (Case Study: Social Security Organization of East Azerbaijan Province) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 51-74]
Public Administration
The Foundations of Administration System from the Perspective of Islamic Teachings [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 221-246]
Public affairs administration
The Foundations of Administration System from the Perspective of Islamic Teachings [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 221-246]
Revolutionary Work
Investigation of Jihadi Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran Army
(A Pathological Approach) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 121-146]
The Necessity of the Organization in managing the good and forbidding the evil [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 75-99]
The Effect of Islamic Management System on the Empowerment of Hawzah of Qom Employees
Authors [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 171-193]
Statement of the Second Phase of the Revolution
Investigation of Jihadi Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran Army
(A Pathological Approach) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 121-146]
Trade in Islam
Meta-Synthesis Study of Islamic Marketing Criteria in the field of Advertising [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2023, Pages 33-50]
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