Typology and Modeling of Macro Management Indicators in the Quran with an Education-Oriented Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Islamic Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran



Adopting an educational approach to management can be considered as a humanizing method for human excellence in addition to the outputs of training managers at the national level. It should be noted that in recent years, looking at comprehensive education in all fields and dimensions, including strengthening education-oriented models with educational dimensions is in the spotlight (Hassani and Sadeghzadeh, 1400: 45). The focal point of this view is the interpretation of the Qur'an in assuming an approach that is seen in the verses related to the characteristics of management and manager. In other words, in the Qur'anic view, investigating the manager's characteristics is not only for expressing managerial duties but the educational progress of the individual and society, which is the ultimate goal of the Qur'anic movement. For this purpose, it is necessary first to address the issue of which managerial indicators the Qur'an has adopted in the education journey and the next stage, what style and format has been used for this purpose. The same approach in a new perspective to the typology and modeling of macro management indicators in the Qur'an has been examined through this article. In this regard, the present study tried to identify the types of macro management in the Quran and extract the descriptive model of each one in a comprehensive assessment of all the verses of the Quran and provide a step towards enriching and broadly looking at educational processes by inferring educational implications.
Due to its multifacetedness, the current research has used a combination of qualitative methods of data collection, analysis, and coding. In the first section, the descriptive phenomenological method is used to refer to the verses of the Holy Quran. Phenomenology is a qualitative research approach that seeks to identify the inherent and unchanging meaning of the problem under investigation (Chan, Fang, and Chin: 2013, quoted in Longdridge: 2007). The steps of this method are: 1. proposing a research question based on the model "What is the inherent existence of the phenomenon?" 2. Targeted sampling 3. Data collection 4. Data analysis (Abedi, 2019). Of course, these steps are not linear and are used back and forth. Based on the above steps, i.e. the question about the inherent pattern of the research phenomenon, first a research question was proposed with the theme: 1. "What are the macro management indicators introduced in the Qur'an, and what are the descriptions of each one?" 2. Targeted sampling that continued until the theoretical saturation of the categories and in the current research plan resulted in the reading of all the verses of the Holy Quran. 3. In the third stage, data collection was done by library method and by referring to the text of the Quran. 4. in the fourth step, the obtained data were analyzed using the MAXQDA Analytics Pro, version 12-3, and by referring again to the studied texts and comparing the above description with these texts, the results were validated. In the stage of selective coding, the types of macro management in the Qur'an were obtained. In the last stage, the comparative study of the central and open codes led to the extraction of religious analyses and educational meta-analyses.
The results of the research in response to the first question of the research, that is, what are the types and categories of indicators of macro management in the verses of the Quran indicates that there are 59 open codes related to the types of macro management in the Quran, which are classified into three categories input (management requirements), process (management qualities), and output (management tasks). The first category is divided into ten core codes, the second category into fourteen core codes, and the third category into sixteen core codes.
The results of the research in response to the second question of the research, that is, are there any specific descriptions or accounts and what is the final model in each part indicates that the frequency of data based on the number of cases, first in the section on managerial duties, then in the section on recommending suitable traits, and in the next stage in the section on items necessary for education was more; but according to the column chart, the amount of recommendation for managerial traits has more content frequency. In the requirements section, the most frequency is related to the necessity of obeying the people and the necessity of financial facilities, in the process section, the two main attributes of science and faith, and in the management duties section, the two sections of financial management and solving the disputes of the desired society.
The results of the research in response to the third research question, i.e. what are the educational implications derived from the explanation of the types and description of the models related to macro management indicators in the Quran represents eight principles of education, which include the following: the principle of relying on effort, the principle of educational rights and duties, the principle of a two-way approach to the dimensions of management and education, the principle of summation between different tasks, the principle of organizational perspective, the principle of unitary management, the principle of authority and intimacy, the principle of commitment and expertise.
Based on what the results of the current research and previous research show, all management researches emphasize the necessity of applying Islamic management in Islamic society, because the propositions within the religion in the section of presenting the principles have a different basis and approach from the secular and materialistic approaches. In the second point of view, although the general principles of management extracted in intra-religious research have similar main characteristics, it should be noted that the model extracted from Islamic management must be systematic and comprehensive and can cover all management processes in its entirety. The approach that current research has followed at the macro level, but previous research has not been able to achieve this level of data extraction and analysis due to the granular approach.
Finally, it is suggested that according to the systematic extraction model based on this article, the components of Islamic macro management in three parts of input, process, and output, in the narrative texts and the biography and Sirah (conduct) of Ahlul-Bayt (peace be upon them) being analyzed and the complete version of this model should be cited and used as a source of training for Islamic managers.


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