From Theoretical Foundation to KM Theories: Improvement of Conceptual Model of KM Influenced by the Theory of Knowledge

Document Type : scientific


This research is aimed to explain how Knowledge Management (KM) theories are affected by theoretical foundation of KM and outlines the route of this influence. The initial goal of this study is to offer a profound conceptual model for the influences of theoretical foundations on the theories and expressing the relationships which devise the route of these effects. The final goal is to create a context for proposing a plan in order to reconstruct the field of KM existing in modern sciences and western civilization. This new theory will be proposed in the next paper entitled “a theory on religion based knowledge management”. However, a few of researches have been done on this topic and more studies are needed. To solve the problem, a primary conceptual model of knowledge management influenced by the theory of knowledge is developed. Moreover, we want to review this scientific field according to rival foundation like religious foundation and religious civilization and provide a context for creating new theories about KM based on religious foundation. Furthermore, the literature related to the theoretical foundation of KM in modern science is reviewed and an initial conceptual model is proposed. The foundation divides into two groups named cognitive and none-cognitive. Additionally, the theoretical foundation is divided into three main layers; near layer, the intermediate and far ones. They are recognized as follows; the philosophical bases as far theoretical foundations, paradigmatic bases of humanities, some other sciences and these sciences as middle theoretical layers and inner paradigms of KM and other related fields as near theoretical layer. Finally, the relations between former components and KM theories are extracted and suggested in a framework of a conceptual model. This model can explain how KM foundation influences on its theories. And it is very applicable for the reconstruction of existing theories and propounding new theories.


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