A Comparative Study of the Leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Conceptual Framework of Divinity

Document Type : scientific


It is within a value oriented framework grounded in Islamic culture that the relation between management presuppositions and behavior and the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) should be clarified. Through generalizing the obtained model, various aspects of Imam Khomeini's model of leadership in Islamic Revolution can be recognized. Indeed, divine based model of management is based on the recognition of human nature and the hierarchy of existence. Such a leadership realizes with the means of management on hearts. This management is unique to the prophets, saints (person of exceptional holiness) and the true followers of them. This study is intended to investigate and understand Imam Khomeini's model of leadership based on the conceptual framework of divinity. For this purpose, using the conceptual framework of the divinity and with a systematic and structured view, the growth of the Muslim community via the leadership of Imam Khomeini is explained through following stages:
First, the conceptual framework of the divinity is introduced briefly along with its structure, bases and components. In the next stage, the leadership behavior of Imam Khomeini is investigated based on this divine foundation and his model of leadership is presented.  According to the findings of this research, it is clear that his leadership has been based on the growth of the Muslim community. It was to direct people to achieve the final goal of life, i.e. nearness to God, in the context of Islamic government. Also, through this framework, following the model of Imam Khomeini's leadership and management should be possible.



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