A Reflection on the Organizational Vision in the Light of Quran’s Metaphors

Document Type : scientific


Today, a large part of human life and human efforts is spent to achieve organization's goals. So organizations should be the context for human eternal happiness. What is the basis of this transformation in organization processes and behaviors? Reviewing management literature guides us to the "vision" of organizations’ leaders and highly ranked managers. This paper is trying to investigate such concept based on a monotheistic perspective and from the viewpoint of Holy Quran. For this purpose, research was conducted in four stages. First, the related concepts were introduced and metaphors and functions of "vision" were identified. Then, referring to "Al-mizan" and "Tasnim", those words and concepts which present the conceptual system of ‘vision’ from the perspective of Quran were recognized. Second, interviews were arranged with 11 industrial managers in Iran and the findings were coded and investigated through theme analyzing method. Third, the findings were offered to research experts in terms of Delphi Questionnaires and were reviewed and revised if necessary. Finally the concept of “vision” and its nature has been reconstructed based on four Quran’s metaphors and the concepts inferred from the experts’ interviews in a framework of a conceptual model.


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