The Formulation of Development and Advancement Model in the Light of Imam Ali's Guidance

Document Type : scientific


This present study aims to investigate descriptively and analytically the goals and standards of development and promotion in three fields of behavioral, structural and contextual with the help of 3C's Model in the light of Imam Ali's guidance. The purpose of study is applied and the methodology based on the way of collecting data is descriptive-survey. The population consists of all experts and scientists of Islamic sciences including public management, political studies, policy-making management, economic sciences, environmental sciences, and comparative management and development. By snowball sampling, 118 experienced experts were selected as the sample. In this research first via content analysis, the standards of development and promotion were determined in the light of Imam Ali's guidance and then the initial codes were analyzed and reviewed for several times by MAXQDA software and 102 attributes were determined. Using Fuzzy-Delphi technique, finally from the total attributes, 23 basic attributes of economic development and advancement, 38 basic attributes of administrational and political development, 24 basic attributes of human advancement and promotion and 14 basic attributes of environmental development were identified.


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