Explaining the Concept of the "Tayyeb" Organization and Modeling the Cycle of "Tayyebat" Extracted from the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 M.A. in Quran and Hadith, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

3 PhD Candidate in Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.



Introduction: The evolution of the history of management shows the main element of paradigm change in the theories of organization and management as the type of attitude and view of human beings. In other words, human beings are the main pillar of the organization and the key philosophy of the emergence of various theories in the field of organization, which should be given special attention. Despite this emphasis, according to the opinion of the experts, in the current organization, with titles such as job development, team work, industrial democracy and independence of responsibility, man is disrespected in a beautiful appearance, and his/her humanity is sacrificed to pay attention to the goals of the organization, which is to gain more benefits for investors. In other words, after years of researchers' efforts, an organization worthy of human dignity has not yet been created, and modern management, although it has solved many problems in its way to development and helped to make businesses more efficient, has forced millions of people into servitude in quasi-feudal and dictatorial organizations, and there is little evidence that has made them even more ethical.
This research hypothesizes that modern management seeks the answer within the existing paradigms to solve this problem, paradigms that have often been formed in the framework of humanistic thought. Therefore, to realize the true concept of human transcendence, it seeks to decipher the complex layers of this mixed network by using a source connected to the divine and free from worldly impurities, to achieve an organizational concept that recognizes the central position of human beings in the social system and draws a model for achieving his transcendence.
Method: The semantics of this study about the concept of Tayyeb in the Qur'an has been done using the methodologies of linguistics and the semantic methodology of Toshihiko Izutsu, a Japanese scholar and linguist. He believes that the concepts in the Qur'an are in the form of an orderly system and form a complex and extremely orderly whole, which can be understood correctly by discovering their semantic network (Izutsu, 1999). To achieve this goal, the set of steps taken in this research is as follows.
Step 1: Understanding the studies carried out
Step 2: Semantics of "Tayyeb" by Izutsu Method
Step 3: Classification of vocabulary and explanation of related phrases
Step 4: Summing up and explain the concept of the Tayyeb Organization and its place in the Tayyebat cycle
Results: The conceptual analysis of the cycle of Tayyebat, which is shown based on a careful study of the semantic network of the concept of Tayyeb in the Holy Qur'an, states that the center of Tayyeb is the nature of the believer and the concept of Tayyeb coincides with his natural structure and his afterlife. In other words, the reform of the individual and society depends on creating the conditions for accepting and receiving the good in the context of the occurrence of human life, work, thought, and social relations. Accepting this issue and considering that the organization is considered the bedrock of human work and social life, the Tayyeb Organization must go through a process to achieve its goal of becoming a Tayyeb Organization. Thus, Tayyeb Organization is an organization that must provide a suitable platform for its growth and prosperity in the first stage. When the context of the organization becomes either "Balad" Tayyeb, or in other words, the same people, the rules, and organizational processes are harmonized with the principles and frameworks of Tayyeb, they expand the ground for receiving good sustenance for themselves. In other words, divine sustenance has a continuous rainfall, and the Tayyeb organization, or the same as Balad Tayyeb, provides the ground for effective and more effective reception.
In the next stage, the human being who is in the Tayyeb organization, who has Tayyeb's beliefs and thoughts, has manifestations that include the "Kalameh" and "Ghoul" of both Tayyeb. The making of "Kalameh" and "Ghoul" in the organization leads to the creation of a "good life" in the organization. "Hayat-e Tayyebeh" is the creation of an environment for the life of an organization in which there is no evil. The establishment of Tayyeb in different stages of the organization happens by the grace and providence of God, and divine sustenance provides the ground for the organization to become good in different stages. The Tayyeb organization is a dynamic organization that expands the field of receiving divine sustenance every time it receives the effects and results of the good life.
Figure 1: Conceptual model of the quality cycle according to the role of the organization
Conclusion: In the world, life, and charity are bestowed upon all creatures in the form of divine sustenance. The organization, as a living entity, can receive this divine provision. Man and society, which are at the center of this model, are also directly affected by the way of exploiting divine sustenance. According to this model, man, as the receiver of divine sustenance, has thoughts and manifestations that lead to his actions and determine the quality of his life. The good thoughts and manifestations of human beings and the occurrence of these actions in the context of good organization will be an aspect of the good life in society. Of course, Hayat-e-Tayyebeh has a wide range of dimensions that its organizational part is considered in this model. Being a good context means that the Tayyeb organizati on, as one of the main platforms of human existence, must be able to respond to issues related to the growth and perfection of human beings and their attainment of a good life and create an organization in their dignity. Therefore, the ultimate goal of Tayyeb Organization is to facilitate the process of human growth and perfection and provide a suitable platform for the actualization of his talents and abilities, and other issues in Tayyeb organization are considered intermediate goals.
Therefore, in addition to the divine attitude towards human beings and paying attention to their growth and excellence in its activities and products, Tayyeb organization is also aware and committed to the principles of excellence of management and constantly seeks to improve the conditions and achieve its intermediate goals.


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