Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran,
Master of Science, Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Introduction and Objectives: Today, what play a central role in the excellence of organizations is human, and a factor called conscience can play a prominent and very important role in the efficiency and effectiveness of any organization. Work conscience is a factor that creates order in work and good performance in individuals. Paying attention to the concept of work conscience in organizations is an ethical and humane view of work and organization because ethics in professional behavior leads to a commitment to performing tasks in the best possible way and without external control, and as a result, improves work results, improves the state of society, and provides satisfaction and peace of mind to the individual. In today's organizations, managers and employees can empower the workplace by improving the characteristics of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence includes a set of emotions, social knowledge, and capabilities that guide and strengthen our overall strength in a direction that allows us to respond appropriately to environmental factors and pressures. Studies show that there is a high correlation between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is described as the ability to act with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the circumstances, which enables individuals to manage stressful situations and anxiety in adverse situations. Spiritual intelligence can be considered the basis for the emergence of positive work behaviors. If the employees of the organization have higher spiritual intelligence, the likelihood of positive work behaviors increases. Many of the behaviors and decisions of employees and managers in today's organizations are influenced by their moral values. Moral intelligence is the ability to apply universal moral principles in ethics, goals, and communications. Moral intelligence is the ability to distinguish right from wrong based on universal principles. The importance of strengthening work conscience, which we have addressed as a fundamental variable in this study, is due to the fact that strengthening work conscience can have a direct impact on individual performance and ultimately lead to organizational effectiveness and productivity. In the present study, we sought to
examine the factors effective in strengthening work conscience, the most important of which are intelligence, especially emotional intelligence, moral intelligence, and spiritual intelligence. The main question of the research is whether moral intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and emotional intelligence affect strengthening and increasing work conscience in the organization.
Method: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of this study is the health centers of Bardaskan City. Data collection in this study was carried out by two methods: library and field. To measure the variables of the research, the standard questionnaire of Lennick and Kiel (2011) on the moral intelligence, the work conscientiousness of Costa and McCrae (1992), King's spiritual intelligence (2008), and Schutte Emotional intelligence Scale (1998) have been used. In this study, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics and SPSS software were used to describe the statistical population. Structural equations and path analysis were used to test the research hypotheses using Smart PLS 3 software.
Results: Firstly, descriptive statistics were used to examine the statistical population, and the results of describing demographic variables show that: in terms of gender, 41 people are male and 89 are female. In terms of age, most people are between 35 and 40 years old (about 35 percent). In terms of education, most people have a bachelor's degree (60 percent). In terms of work experience, most people have work experience of 1 to 5 years and 20 to 25 years (about 27 percent). To test the research hypotheses, structural equations path analysis and PLS software were used. To examine the appropriateness of the structural model of the research, two indices SRMR and GOF were used, which are at the desired level and the model has a good fit.
The research hypotheses were examined and tested. The main research hypothesis shows that the path coefficient between the components of moral intelligence and work conscience is 0.808, spiritual intelligence and work conscience is 0.358, emotional intelligence and work conscience is 0.533, and the t-statistic value in all paths is greater than 1.96, and the significance level is less than 0.05. It can be said that the components of moral, spiritual, and emotional intelligence have an effect on work conscience, and moral intelligence has the greatest effect on work conscience. The sub-hypotheses of the research have also been confirmed.
Discussion and Conclusions: This study was conducted to investigate the role of moral intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and emotional intelligence in strengthening the work conscience. For this purpose, a main hypothesis and eleven sub-hypotheses have been developed. By confirming the main hypothesis of the study, it was determined that moral, spiritual, and emotional intelligence have a positive and significant effect on work conscience and the greatest effect is related to moral intelligence, and the least effect is related to spiritual intelligence. Confirmation of the main hypothesis of the study and confirmation of the first, second, third, and fourth sub-hypotheses show that moral intelligence and its components have a direct and significant effect on work conscience, and the results are consistent with the studies of Narimani and Keramati (2020), Homaei (2018), Dehghan Menshadi (2017), Esmaeili Tarzi et al. (2013), Foulad et al. (2020), and Norcia (2010). Confirmation of the main hypothesis of the research and confirmation of the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth sub-hypotheses shows that spiritual intelligence and its components have a direct and significant effect on work conscience, which results are consistent with the research of Hasanloo (2015), Liaghatdar et al. (2011), Foulad et al. (2020) and Khawaja (2017). Confirmation of the main hypothesis of the research and confirmation of the ninth, tenth, and eleventh sub-hypotheses shows that moral intelligence and its components have a direct and significant effect on work conscience, which results are consistent with the research of Liaghatdar et al. (2011), Foulad et al. (2020), Sunaryo et al. (2017) and Keri et al. (2017). For today's organizations
, paying attention to intelligence is an important and necessary factor. The results of this study show that moral, spiritual, and emotional intelligence can improve work conscience. Moral intelligence increases commitment and creates greater trust and responsibility in employees, leading to improved individual and group performance. Therefore, the contribution of moral intelligence to predicting employees' work conscience seems logical. Spiritual intelligence also increases employees' sense of responsibility and commits them to their responsibilities. Also, they consider the work environment and performing tasks as an opportunity to grow and express their abilities and values, and work conscience increases and improves. Using the components of emotional intelligence facilitates better performance by creating greater flexibility.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all those who participated in the research and helped us.
Conflict of Interest: There is no conflict of interest in this research.