Designing the Model of Supplying Human Resources Strategy in Islam; Based on the Teachings of Nahj al-Balagha

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of MBA, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



The value strategy of supplying human resources in Islam, as the most important of supplying human resources strategy, seeks to realize the ideology based on meritocracy. The ambiguous aspect of this research is that some managers of Iran's government organizations do not have the philosophy of supplying human resources strategy, especially in the administrative structure of the country, with an ideological approach based on meritocracy, and the necessary and sufficient measures for the governments in the chain of justice There has been no recruitment that is in line with the government charter. To get out of this ambiguity, this research seeks to fill the scientific and practical gap in the field of supplying human resources strategy for Islamic states. Therefore, a basic measure to strengthen the works of innovative management and to get away from the challenges caused by its absence is to find a model and a framework for supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic state based on the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to present a model of supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic state, and the research question is raised as follows: What are the categories of supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic state based on the teachings of Nahj al-Balagha?
The research method is qualitative and with an inductive approach. In order to extract the content, the theme analysis technique was used. The research source; the letters, sermons, and wisdom of Imam Ali (as) are related to supplying human resources strategy in Islam. Most qualitative methodologists use the criterion of "reliability or reliability" to validate thematic analysis. For the reliability of qualitative research, "Lincoln and Guba" have presented criteria such as the possibility of validity, reliability or the ability to rely on, transferability or the ability to transfer, confirmation or the possibility of confirmation. In the current research, the mentioned metrics are prepared in different ways, one of the most important of which is the strategy of "independent coders". This strategy is a common process for evaluating and controlling the quality of content analysis. The percentage agreement method was used to measure reliability or trustworthiness; in this way, codes were accepted from two of the experts who did the coding independently and a conclusion was reached which was approved by more than half or 50% of the coders.
In the first stage of the research, the basic themes based on the letters, sermons, and wisdom of Imam Ali were considered. After extracting key sentences and refining them, 128 basic themes were obtained. In the next step, the researcher discovered four general teachings in the codes by examining the basic themes (primary codes). The first teaching in the supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic State was called "individual teaching". The implementation of this teaching depends on the "management of individual behavior", which is known as the underlying level. The second teaching of supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic State was called "group teaching". The realization of this teaching in every government and organization depends on the training of managers and human resources for different units of Iranian government organizations. The implementation of this teaching depends on "group behavior management". The nature of this teaching is such that its compliance is dependent on a superior organizational culture and it is known as capacity building level. The third teaching of the supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic State was called "organizational teaching". The realization of this teaching in every government and organization depends on having managers who can eliminate the management gap. The implementation of this teaching depends on "organizational behavior management", and it is known as the superstructure level. The fourth teaching of the supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic state was called "government teaching". The realization of this teaching in every government and organization depends on the administrative, political, and economic complex. The implementation of this teaching depends on "managing the behavior of the government". Finally, the relationship between the four themes is discussed in this way. Public administrators are raised at the basic level according to individual teachings. In group teaching, the discussion of superior organizational culture has been raised and it is known as the level of capacity building. Organizational teaching creates organizational structure, superior organizational climate, and the manager in the leadership role of organizations and is known as the superstructure level. Finally, in the teaching of the government, it is proposed to have wisdom and knowledge about managerial, political, and economic issues in line with the desired progress of governments in Islamic society, and it is known as the feedback level.
Discussion and Conclusions
This research shows that the four individual, group, organizational, and government requirements should be sought in the four management levels: individual behavior, group behavior, organizational behavior, and government behavior. So that at the level of managing individual behavior, piety, body health, and management structure; at the level of group behavior management, integration, maintaining society and creating coordination and unity; at the management level of organizational behavior, rule-based, standard-oriented, legality and right-oriented; And the level of government behavior management, attention is paid to testing, growth, personalization, participation, and obedience. Based on the findings of the research, suggestions can be made for managers of organizations in Iran, some of which are as follows: 1) Turning to the supplying human resources strategy in the Islamic state based on the managers' three-dimensional view of the past, present and future based on the teachings of Nahj al-Balagha. 2) Giving priority to serving the people and citizens to govern the principle of selecting and appointing meritorious human resources based on expertise and commitment. 3) Creating a platform for the formation of ethics in the use of the strategy of providing competent human resources. 4) Moving on to the establishment and implementation of the Alawite government based on the teachings of Nahj al-Balagha.
Acknowledgment: I would like to thank the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Studies in Religion, Spirituality & Management, and the participants in the study.
Conflict of Interests: There is no conflict of interest in this research.


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