Effective Factors on Administrative Health Based on the Policies Announced by Iran's Supreme Leader in the Field of Administrative Health in the Public Sector

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Azad University, Kerman, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Kerman Azad University, Kerman, Iran

3 Department of Sociology, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran



Introduction and Objectives
Administrative health has been defined as the quality of behavior of the political and public body of the government in terms of compliance with values, norms, and rules. In this view, administrative health is an abstract concept emphasizing realizing the organization's goals based on values. In the administrative system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the institutionalization of Islamic values ​​is considered one of the most important factors in promoting administrative health and fighting administrative corruption; this is even though until now managers have not paid much attention to this matter. In this research, the researcher sought to first investigate the factors affecting administrative health based on the policies announced by Iran's Supreme Leader in the field of administrative health, which were communicated to the three state powers in 2019, and in the next stage, to investigate the main components and indicators of administrative health based on general policies. The announced policies of the Supreme Leader and finally establish a relationship between the components and indicators of the policies announced by the Supreme Leader concerning administrative health. Based on the specified objectives of the main research question, what are the factors affecting administrative health based on the policies announced by the Supreme Leader in the field of administrative health in the public sector? To answer these questions, the network of themes according to the extracted indicators, includes 80 basic themes, 8 organizing themes, and the comprehensive theme of administrative health.
The current research is practical in terms of purpose and analytical and descriptive in terms of method and it is qualitative research in terms of philosophy and practical orientation and uses a thematic analysis strategy. Unlike other methods such as interpretive phenomenological analysis, database theory, discourse analysis, and content analysis, thematic analysis does not depend on a pre-existing theoretical framework, and therefore, it can be used in different theoretical frameworks (of course, not in all frameworks). And also, it can be used for various things. Since thematic analysis is a flexible method, the researcher must clearly explain what he/she is doing, and what he/she says must be consistent with what he/she does (Abedi Jafari et al., 2019). According to Brown and Clark (2006), the validity and quality of the theme analysis will be determined by answering several questions. In this research, a network of themes was obtained by using resource studies extracting the primary identifier and repeatedly comparing the themes obtained in each stage and improving and upgrading it. It was found that based on the indicators, the themes include 80 basic themes, 8 organizing themes, and comprehensive administrative health themes.
Determining the indicators to measure the health of the administrative system is possible with the help of intuition and detailed investigations of the general policies of the administrative system, announced by the Supreme Leader. The set of general policies of the administrative system includes 26 paragraphs that clearly state the expected strategic orientations of the plans and actions of the various components of the administrative system in different dimensions (Latifi and Kamilifard, 2017, p. 89). The designed website is prepared based on the outputs of the theme analysis tables, which form an overview of basic themes, organizing themes, and finally, the comprehensive theme of administrative health. According to the results obtained from the theme analysis of the policies announced by the Supreme Leader in the field of administrative health, the network of themes based on the extracted indicators includes 80 basic themes, 8 organizing themes, and an overarching theme of administrative health.
Discussion and Conclusions
Finally, the overarching or variable theme of this research is formed, which is "administrative health" based on the policies announced by the Supreme Leader in the field of administrative health in the public sector. In this study, the development of moral-Islamic culture is emphasized; but the weight of the mentioned merits is not the same and some are bolder. The current research shows that one of the most important background factors in creating and stabilizing administrative health in organizations is the development of Islamic moral culture. Another indicator of administrative health is the move towards electronic government, which has been raised as an important concern in our country for several decades, but there is a long way to reach the desired situation. In this way, it can be concluded that this research confirms some of the main religious, scholastic, moral, and organizational characteristics mentioned in previous research, while special priority is given to them. It provides some new features in this regard and completes the set of mentioned features. In addition, it has a special focus on the announcements of the Supreme Leader in the field of administrative health and added new concepts in this regard compared to previous research, which is new and different from previous studies, which are briefly compared with previous research.
Thanks to three holy beings:
Those who became weak so that we can reach the ability...
Their hair turned white for us to turn white...
And they burned with love to warm our existence and illuminate our path...
Our fathers،our mothers،Our teachers
“This article was derived from PhD thesis in the Islamic Azad University-Kerman branch.”
Conflict of Interests
About the publication of the presented article, it is pointed out that publishing ethics, including plagiarism, misconduct, falsification of data, or double submission and publication, have been avoided, and there are no commercial interests in this regard, and the authors they have not received any payment for presenting their work.


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