Explanation of the Components of Individual Performance from the Perspective of the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran



This study aims to examine the concept of individual performance from the perspective of the Quran. Performance is a crucial element in organizations, as individuals spend a significant portion of their lives in various institutions, shaping different levels of performance (team and organizational) through their actions. How performance is defined and viewed determines how we approach and deal with it. The main objective of this research is to investigate the meaning, levels, approaches, and components of performance from the Quran's perspective.
The importance of this study lies in the fact that in Islamic countries where individuals adhere to Islamic beliefs, their actions and behaviors should be examined differently. To improve the critical element of individual performance, we must change our view of it and extract its essential components based on Islamic sources, with the Quran being the primary and most important source.
The main research question is: What are the dimensions and components of individual performance from the Quran's perspective? Secondary questions include: What are the dimensions and components of individual performance in conventional human resource management literature? Are these dimensions and components approved by the Quran?
This study employs a qualitative approach based on the thematic research method in the Quran. The thematic research method was used for data collection and concept extraction from Quranic verses. The grounded theory method was utilized for the analysis and systematic classification of the extracted concepts.
The research process involved three main stages:

Implementing the thematic research method in the Quran: This stage included preliminary steps, concept extraction, research expansion, and compilation.
Using grounded theory to categorize the extracted concepts: This stage involved open coding, axial coding, and selective coding of the concepts derived from the Quranic verses.
Integration of results: This final stage combined the findings from the previous two stages to develop a comprehensive model of performance dimensions and components based on the Quran.

The researchers used an integrated approach combining the thematic research method in the Quran and grounded theory. This approach was chosen to ensure the centrality of the Quran in the research while providing a systematic framework for analyzing and categorizing the extracted concepts.
The study revealed that the Quran's perspective on performance differs from conventional human resource management literature. The Quranic view of performance is not solely results-oriented or behavior-oriented but takes a post-process approach, considering the aftermath of individuals' actions as well.
The research identified four main dimensions of individual performance from the Quran's perspective:

Agential dimension (11 components): This includes factors such as intention, effort, faith, existential capacity, and personality structure (schema).
Actional dimension (9 components): This encompasses the nature and method of actions, categorized into righteous and unrighteous deeds.
Results (3 components): This includes the outcomes, effects, and consequences of actions.
Performance transformations (2 components): This refers to changes in performance, either in a positive direction (repentance) or negative direction (nullification of deeds).

The Quranic perspective adds several components to the conventional understanding of performance, particularly in the agential dimension. It emphasizes factors such as intention, faith, and individual capacity, which are not typically considered in conventional performance management models.
The study also found that the Quran confirms some aspects of conventional performance management, such as goal orientation, comparability, measurability, and results orientation, while adding new dimensions and components.
Discussion and Conclusions
The findings of this study suggest that the Quranic perspective on individual performance is more comprehensive than conventional models. While conventional literature typically focuses on determinants of results and results themselves, the Quran introduces additional dimensions, particularly emphasizing the agential aspect of performance.
The Quran's approach to performance can be characterized as post-behavioral and post-process. It not only considers the actional dimension of deeds but also takes into account factors such as capacity, intention, and personality structure in the agential dimension. Furthermore, it extends the evaluation of performance to include post-action transformations, both positive (repentance) and negative (nullification of deeds).
This comprehensive view of performance has significant implications for performance management in Islamic contexts. It suggests that performance evaluation and development should consider not only observable behaviors and results but also the intentions, capacities, and personal growth of individuals.
The study concludes that integrating these Quranic perspectives into performance management systems could lead to a more holistic and ethically grounded approach to performance evaluation and development in Islamic organizations.
Future research directions include examining the concept of performance in Hadith literature, exploring the practical implications of this Quranic model in contemporary organizations, and investigating how these principles can be operationalized in performance management systems.


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