Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics and its implications on the management of cultural policy processes with a critical approach

Document Type : scientific


Assistant professor, Research Institute of Civilization and Social Studies, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy,


The reading of cultural issues as well as the type of solutions depends on the presuppositions and preconceptions of the cultural policy maker. Not paying attention to the differences in cultural and social presuppositions and contexts leads to policy inefficiency (Matarasoo and Landry, 1999). When there is a confusion in the issue of policy making, it means that the theoretical foundations have not been analyzed well and may not even be fundamentally responsive to the new conditions. Therefore, in how to deal with these foundations and what methods are considered for selection, Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics as one of the most important and outstanding theoretical achievements, includes indications that, by referring to it, clarify the issue of cultural policy and gives quality improvement. In this regard, by using the theme analysis method, first the key concepts of philosophical hermeneutics are examined and extracted, and then, while paying attention to some of the main steps of the policy making process, a matrix is formed, and each step is in one column and each key concept in placed in one row of the matrix. Finally, one of the most important implications of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics in cultural policy making is the concept of "hermeneutic situation makers", which shows the presuppositions, preconceptions, and conscious and unconscious choices that are made in the stages before political choices had formed understandings


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