A Quranic interpretation of the influence of objective evidence on behavior; Objectivity Acceptance as a Descriptive Model of Human Behavior

Document Type : scientific


1 (Corresponding Author), Assistant professor of management of Research Institute of Hawzah and University,

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic University, Research Institute of Hawzah and University,


The lack of "Descriptive Models of Human Behavior" (DMHB) is one the oldest anomalies in behavioral sciences, especially Organizational Behavior Management. On one side, various sciences demand this kind of behavior model; on the other side, modeling the behavior is as problematic as understanding human internal situations and environmental complexity. DMHBs are significant because they have multi-disciplinary usage (economics, ergonomics, social psychology, management, etc.), and DMHBs are the necessary foundations for developing prescriptive techniques in controlling and directing human behavior. In this paper, we developed a new model of human behaviors. Objectivity acceptance explains the causes of some kinds of human decisions and behaviors. This model recognized and explained through deep studies of Quran and the scientific literature of DMHB. In this research, Quran is the source of ideas to find DMHB; moreover the guide of explaining DMHB. This paper tried to explain the model in a scientific standard structure as the "Ideal Type of DMHB". In addition, its relation to other renowned theories was discussed. The basic methodology and all the steps of this research in preparing, organizing text, studying, documentation, coding, abstraction, and conclusions were based on qualitative content analysis. Therefore, the "validity" and "trustworthiness" of research are obtained by three criteria "credibility", "dependability", and "transferability".


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