Designing a Pattern of Talent Management based on Nahj al- Balaghah

Document Type : scientific


1 Master student, Ilam University

2 Associate professor, Ilam University

3 Assistant professor, Ilam University


The present study has been done with a qualitative approach to content analysis and with an exploratory nature and applied orientation, and the text collection method has been used for data collection method. The main tool for collecting information in this research is taking notes. The statistical population of the study includes all the texts related to talent management in the entire text of Nahj al-Balagha. After reviewing Nahj al-Balagha, the relevant concepts are extracted and each of them gets a unique code. Then, similar concepts are identified, and by combining these concepts, secondary themes are obtained. Then, based on all the identified secondary themes, a more general categorization is applied in order to identify the main themes. In order to measure the validity of the components of talent management, the reliability of the themes was evaluated using the measure of repeatability (the consistency between two coders), leading to the reliability coefficient of 0.82. Moreover, the findings of the study were evaluated by three experts in the field of management, and then the necessary corrections in the process of theme creation, as well as the identified concepts, were applied. In order to evaluate the validity of the proposed pattern, it was presented to five experts in expertise in qualitative research, and after applying their recommendations, the reliability of the pattern was confirmed by these experts. The obtained findings were categorized into 25 secondary themes and seven main themes, i.e. selection and appointment, growth, durability, the ways talents are affected, mission and values, sociability, and replacement and dismissal.


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