A model of organizational integrity in one of the revolutionary institutions from the perspective of the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : scientific


دکتری امنیت داخلی


In the present era, no organization can be seen as the integrity and integrity of the ethics, especially its most prominent. If honesty prevails over the organization, it will be effective in the success of the organization. Therefore, this article seeks to investigate the organizational integrity model in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) using the basis of data analysis to analyze the opinions and ideas of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution. On the basis of this, all the documents were studied in full. In order to achieve the theoretical saturation of the selected propositions, the result was analyzed through open coding, 4309 codes, 56 sub-concepts, 294 concepts, 21 subcategories and 26 categories regarding the subject of the research and identified by the axial coding of the paradigm research pattern Was counted. Based on the findings of the research in the resulting pattern of data, the identified categories are: causal categories including the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the goals and aspirations of the IRGC and internal and external threats, environmental categories such as the status and status of the Guards in the society, organization and organization , Intermediate categories such as divine affairs, support, unity and cohesion, individual and organizational values, strategic issues including spirituality, insight, spirituality, education, commander / director, service, ethics, publicity, education, behavioral advancement, advancement and self-reliance And after-effects categories Such as, preserving the Islamic Revolution and its achievements, power, defense, development and promotion of the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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