The Impact of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Innovation on Resistive economy

Document Type : scientific


1 Education

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Management University Iranian police

3 PhD Department of Educational Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D Student, Department of Educational Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational commitment and organizational innovation on resistance economy. The research method was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of collecting data, descriptive-correlation was used. The statistical population of this research included all employees of the General Directorate of Education in Tehran, numbering 500. Using a simple random sampling method, 217 people were selected as the sample size. For data collection, Allan & Meer (1990), Organizational Innovation Pylyadz, Pegrago and Sohehl (2006) and researcher-made resilience economics questionnaire, which was taken from the Supreme Leader's Guide in Nowruz's message of 1395, was used to collect data. After collecting questionnaires, the data were analyzed by means of mean, standard deviation, percentage, frequency and table, and the statistical inference of the data through structural equation modeling and using Smart PLS 2 software in two parts of the model. The structural section was carried out. In the first part, technical characteristics of the questionnaire including reliability, convergent validity and divergent validity of PLS-specific questionnaire were investigated. In the second section, path coefficients and software significance coefficients were used to study the research hypotheses. The results of the research showed that organizational commitment and its components include emotional, continuous and normative commitment as well as organizational innovation and its components including core production, core process and central organization on resistive economy from the viewpoint of staff of the General Directorate of Education in Tehran Has an effect.


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