The consequences of the Organizational Trust from the Guard of Corps perspective

Document Type : scientific



One of the most important requirements of interaction between organizations with employees having a spirit of sincerity. Therefore, this article seeks grounded using a systematic approach to analyze the discourse of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei (Mdzlhalaly) and organizational integrity mechanisms to provide the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Islamic Revolution. In this regard, all written and relevant as Tmamkhvany His remarks were studied. Following a detailed analysis of selected texts were analyzed through coding. The results show the number, code 1865, 38 sub-themes groups, 124 concept, the three sub-categories and 12 categories were identified. The results indicate that organizational integrity mechanisms studied from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader, including Vlaytmdary, insight, spirituality, education, commander / director, service, ethics, Mrdmdary, Nvshvndgy, Rftartvanmndshdh, Pyshrvndgy and It is self-reliance.
Key words: organizational integrity, the Supreme Leader, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, grounded theory.
Key words: organizational integrity, the Supreme Leader, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, grounded theory.


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