The Meaning and the Basics of Cultural Intelligence from the Viewpoint of Imam Ali (AS) and New Thinkers

Document Type : scientific


Faculty AzadU


The capability of managers for cooperating with people from different cultures is only possible by identifying the cultural differences of nations and ethnicities. One of the new constructs in psychology and new management is the recent concept of “cultural intelligence” which includes many required aspects of effective activity in diverse cultural situations. In addition to mentioning the theoretical basics of cultural intelligence and the dimensions and criteria for the assessment of cultural intelligence from the viewpoint of new schools of thought and Western thinkers, the study at hand attempts to examine the basics, principles, meanings, and dimensions of cultural intelligence from the viewpoint of Imam Ali (AS) to clarify how the scope, effects, and roots of this intelligence have been taken into account in the discourse of Imam Ali (AS).
This review indicates that the subject of cultural intelligence from the viewpoint of Imam Ali (AS) has a comprehensive and broad arena which is inseparable from the spiritual factors like God, the hereafter, faith, morality and certainty, and has invariable and definite basics. This view is in contrast with the new instrumental look to the subject of cultural intelligence which lacks the value-based, divine, and spiritual factors, principles and basics. Of course, these differences in definitions are rooted in the contrast of basics, and this contrast itself also, in turn, is due to the difference in sources.


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