A Model for Identifying the Factors of Organizational Piety from the Islamic Point of View

Document Type : scientific


1 Faculty,AzadU

2 AzadU student


Some models have been put forward on the organizational piety so far; however, from the Islamic point of view, a specific research has not been done for presenting a proper model in the field of management and organization. This article attempts to present a model for the organizational piety from the Islamic point of view. For this, after reviewing the previous studies and also examining the present models, through referring to 4 specialist experts of management and 7 specialists of Islamic knowledge, first, 71 factors were derived and, then, it was tried to recognize the priority of the efficient factors and eliminate 15 unrelated factors. In the third stage, 56 factors were determined by the experts as the factors of Islamic piety according to the Islamic point of view. After choosing the faculty members and office workers of Arak public university who were 503 in total as the research population and selecting 174 participants through the systematic random sampling, the designed questionnaire was put to test. By the use of factor analysis, 5 factors were identified which, according to the opinion of the experts, were named as “personal traits and talents”, “good relationship, “obedience and serventhood, “knowledge and experience”, and “patience”.


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