Managers’ Amiability: an Effective Factor in the Promotion of Positive Organizational Behaviors of Office Workers, with an Emphasis on Islamic Principles

Document Type : scientific


1 Booali, Faculty

2 Booali


The study at hand has been done with the goal of examining the effect of managers’ amiability on the promotion of positive organizational behaviors of office workers. The research method is descriptive and correlational. Through stratified sampling, 172 office workers of Bu-Ali Sina University were selected randomly for the study. To collect data for the research, two standard questionnaires of managers’ amiability and positive organizational behaviors were used. After being collected, the research data was analyzed using the statistical softwares of Lisrel and SPSS. The results showed that pledge fulfillment, sympathy, engagement and good disposition have a positive significant relationship with the positive organizational behaviors; however, observing the right and justice, and mind expansion did not have a significant relationship with the positive organizational behaviors. As a result, of the effective factors on the promotion of positive organizational behaviors of office workers is the consideration of managers’ amiability in the universities.


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